The Shcheznyk is a malevolent spirit. In Slavic mythology, the Shcheznyk (also known as chezun or vidpichnik) plays the role of an evil spirit or cryptid creature that abducts people or children. This image is widespread in the folklore of various Slavic people. Shcheznyks are typically described as elusive or invisible and capable of disappearing in forests or other natural places. They are often associated with lost children or those who have fallen under their influence.
The Shcheznyk is depicted as a god or spirit that embodies movement, transience, and transformation. Uninvited travelers can be lured into the thicket by the Shcheznyk, thrown off a cliff, or even sent a plague to an entire village. However, the evil spirit must be seriously irritated for this to happen. "On the doors of all houses, a cross is carved, burned out, or smeared with tar, so that the Shcheznyk do not enter inside, do not cause illness to people and cattle" (Volodymyr Shukhevych "Ghutsulshchina").
The image of the Shcheznyk intersects with the Roman Faun and the Greek Pan. These mythological creatures were also considered forest spirits, living in thickets or caves near noisy springs. They are inseparable from pipes, know how to speak with forest voices, have goat legs, and roam as invisible spirits. Satyrs were also semi-goats. Their passion for music was great, the flute is one of the main attributes of Satyrs. However, they were famous for their addiction to alcohol and excessive sexual activity, which cannot be said about our decent Shcheznyk.