Ukraine Action Summit: Fall 2023
What is the Ukraine Action Summit?
The Ukraine Action Summit (UAS) is a three day community event in Washington D.C., consisting of Congressional meetings and informative advocacy programming. Attendees are trained on best practices for government advocacy, then attend meetings with their elected officials to advocate for what Ukraine needs to win. This will be our third Ukraine Action Summit, following events in September 2022 and April 2023.The UAS brings together hundreds of advocates from across the United States to learn, advocate, and make connections among community groups and Ukraine supporters nationwide. The event is organized by the American Coalition for Ukraine, a 75-group strong network of Ukraine-supporting organizations who work to promote American policies aimed at strengthening Ukraine’s defense, sovereignty, and reconstruction.
Why should I participate?
In this war, Ukraine needs all of us - and advocating for US support is paramount. Congressional representatives rely heavily on constituent feedback in making decisions on votes, and we need to show them the strength of support for Ukraine among their voters. During the UAS, you will get the opportunity to do so in an in-person, in-office meeting. You will get direct training on the meeting messaging, and learn what measures the United States should pass now to help Ukraine. Additionally, you will be able to meet other advocates and make connections during this powerful gathering of Ukraine’s allies.
Do I need advocacy experience to participate?
The Ukraine Action Summit is attended by hundreds of people of all ages from around the United States, ranging from unaffiliated, first time advocates to members of community organizations who have been advocating for Ukraine for decades. We invite everyone to join, so long as you are currently residing in a US state (US citizenship is not required).
Are there accommodations or transportation provided?
Attendees are responsible for their own transportation to and from Washington D.C. as well as their accommodations in the city. We suggest booking your transportation to get you to DC on Sunday morning, and to return on Wednesday. We will provide a list of suggested hotels in locations in the Capitol Hill area, as well as information on the most economical transportation options within Washington D.C. itself.