Список надійних фондів, що займаються військовою та гуманітарною допомогою:

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    фонд, який забезпечує кваліфіковану допомогу військовим. З 2014 року основна мета - підвищити ефективність Збройних сил, зберегти життя військових та системно протистояти противнику. З початку повномасштабного вторгнення у лютому 2022 року багатократно збільшили військову допомогу та підтримали захисників України, які змінили своє життя та стали на лінію оборони.

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    Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation is focused on strengthening the Defense Forces of Ukraine and providing assistance to the civilians affected by russian aggression.

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    Razom means “together” in Ukrainian and serves as a constant reminder of the community that it takes to create, build and do. Razom creates spaces where people meet, partner and work together to unlock the potential of Ukraine. We maintain a relentless focus on the needs on the ground to support Ukraine and on opportunities to amplify voices from Ukraine in conversations in the United States. We operate in Ukraine as Razom Dlia Ukraini (Разом Для України) and we collaborate with organizations and individuals so that we can deliver the highest impact.

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    Charitable Foundation ONUKY. We cultivate the values of assistance and support for the elderly and strive to set an example to encourage future generations of grandchildren to do good deeds.

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    Since the beginning of the full scale war we have actively been helping animals within war zones: evacuate, provide feed and medicines for shelters. Our team has begun rebuilding animal shelter facilities that were affected by the Russian aggression. A Ukraine wide program for free neutering of stray animals was launched and is now available in Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, Zaporizhya, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Poltava, Chernihiv, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy and other cities.

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    Our country receives enormous help from around the globe. The money donated to the government will be distributed wisely. The only drawback—governments are often slow, and today every hour can make the difference. Our NGO can act right here, right now.Our funding never goes to weapons that are destined to kill people. We fund defensive strategies focusing on defense tools.

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    People’s Project is a non-commercial and nonprofit organization. It is an association made up of volunteers and caring people who coordinate their efforts for social initiatives aimed to support the People of Ukraine. Thousands of volunteers and benefactors from throughout Ukraine and abroad are engaged in activities carried out by People’s Project. For the whole period of work, we realized over a hundred charity projects, the total budget of which amounts to over 100 million hryvnias. And know what? We are ready to account for each penny of it, both raised or spent.

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    The platform allows one-click donations to Ukraine from anywhere. Why is this so important? Because Ukraine itself knows best what is needed and can deliver aid directly.

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    Nova Ukraine is a hub for Humanitarian and Educational support, serving as a charitable version of venture capital. We handpick the most impactful and effective initiatives, then ensure that they succeed. By connecting the Western public with Ukrainian society, we are a driving force for positive change. We envision a future Ukraine where everyone enjoys freedom, peace, and prosperity. That’s why we nurture civil society in Ukraine, promote culture, and offer vital aid to vulnerable populations. With our unwavering commitment to transparent reporting and impactful projects, we help to forge a path to a brighter tomorrow.

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